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Pet Spay and Neuter

At Broadway Animal Hospital, we believe spaying or neutering your pet increases the quality of life.

Cat & Dog Spay and Neuter in Edgewater Chicago, IL

It might seem cruel to take away your pet’s natural ability to mate and procreate. However, pet spay and neuter surgeries actually do them, and the local Edgewater pet community, a world of good. Firstly, it helps cut down on the problem of animal overpopulation. Too many unwanted dogs and cats overflow shelters and are subsequently put down. More sterilized pets means we can better control the population and ensure only responsible breeding is done. Secondly, pets who undergo sterilization have a greater chance at a long and fulfilling life as they avoid the risk of many medical maladies. Finally, their behavior changes give you peace of mind and help keep them out of harm’s way.

Spaying or neutering your pet increases quality of life. Medical benefits give them lasting health, while behavioral changes cause them (and you!) less anxiety so they can focus more on their relationship with you. Keep in mind that while behavioral changes do take place in many animals, it is not always guaranteed as it depends on your pet’s individual personality and characteristics.
Benefits for females
Less inclination to roam for a mate
No heat cycles, which cause frustration and bleeding in dogs
Possible reduction of urine marking or spraying
Prevention of uterine infection and cancers
Minimizes risk of mammary tumors
Benefits for males
Less inclination to roam for a mate
Subdued aggression
Possible reduction of urine marking and mounting
Prevention of prostate problems and testicular cancer
Minimizes risk of perianal tumors
When to Perform the Surgery
The typical timeline in the veterinary community is 6 months of age. However, each pet is different, and sometimes a different plan will benefit them more. For instance, it has been shown that larger breeds of dogs benefit from later surgeries at 12 months. Meanwhile, most female pets benefit if it is performed before their first heat cycle, which can sometimes fall before 6 months. To receive an exact timeline for your pet, it’s best to come in and see us. Call us to discuss your pet’s options for spay and neuter surgery!